Fallout shelter theme workshop time
Fallout shelter theme workshop time

fallout shelter theme workshop time

In Fallout Shelter, the Mysterious Stranger appears in vault rooms or elevators and a sound is played when he does so. If the Stranger kills an enemy while he is traveling as a companion, Nick will express incredulity when he appears, and frustration when he vanishes. The Mysterious Stranger is being investigated by the detective Nick Valentine, who has a short log containing everything he knows about them in his office.The short guitar riff from previous games is replaced by one of three short piano riffs to signify his arrival and disappearance.It can be obtained only through console commands using player.addperk 00188AAA. 44 pistol and possesses a unique perk, named "Mysterious Stranger Damage," which increases all the damage stats on all weapons except melee weapons. The Mysterious Stranger uses the standard issue.His outfit is also no longer unique to him and can be found in the wasteland. His coat is buttoned shut rather than being tied. In Fallout 4, the Mysterious Stranger is middle-aged and has a mustache.It deals up to 9000 damage, making it one of the strongest weapons in both games. 44 magnum that can only be obtained via console commands. 44 Magnum called the Mysterious Stranger's. When the Courier draws it, the same guitar notes that are heard when the Mysterious Stranger shows up are played, and a chord is played when the weapon is holstered. 44 Magnum that looks similar to the Mysterious Stranger's. The Lonesome Drifter remarks about his past when speaking to the Courier, mentioning his father was a "mysterious" man, and a "stranger" to his own family.During the add-on Mothership Zeta, having the Mysterious Stranger perk opens up a unique dialogue option with Somah, where the Lone Wanderer mentions if they are lucky, a friend might show up and help them.He can appear in water, and swim around.He circles around the enemy shooting several times.A short guitar riff will play whenever he holsters or upholsters his weapon, as does the Mysterious Magnum.

Fallout shelter theme workshop time